Saturday, October 19, 2024

Spin Number 39 -- CLASSICS CLUB


Spin Number 39

I started my first Classics Club list in January 2019, finished it by the end of 2023, and started my second Classics Club list in January this year. But in the six years I've been part of the Classics Club, I have missed every single CC Spin! Finally, I caught this one in time to participate.

The Classics Club is an online "Community of Classics Lovers" started in 2012 to “unite those of us who like to blog about classic literature, as well as to inspire people to make the classics an integral part of life.” To join, you create your own list of 50 "classics" (loosely defined) and read them in five years. Details are on the Classics Club website

Every now and again, the Classics Club organizes a CC Spin. The idea is to pick books from your CC list and on a certain date, the organizers pick a random number and you read that books by a specific date. 

You can find more details here, but these are the basics:

  • Pick twenty books from your Classics Club list that you still want to read.
  • Post that list, numbered 1-20, on your blog before Sunday, 20th October.
  • Classics Club will randomly pick a number and announce it on their website on October 20.
  • Read that book by the 18th of December and share your review (if you write one) on the Classics Club website. 
My CC Spin #39 list:

    1. The Elected Member by Bernice Rubens, Booker Prize
    2. Beat Not the Bones by Charlotte Jay, Edgar Award 
    3. A Dram of Poison by Charlotte Armstrong, Edgar Award
    4. The Secret City by Hugh Walpole, James Tait Black
    5. Without My Cloak by Kate O'Brien, James Tait Black
    6. England, Their England by A. G. Macdonell, James Tait Black
    7. Unconditional Surrender by Evelyn Waugh
    8. The Devil's Advocate by Morris West, James Tait Black
    9. The Ice Saints by Frank Tuohy, James Tait Black
    10. Langrishe, Go Down by Aidan Higgins, James Tait Black
    11. Eva Trout by Elizabeth Bowen, James Tait Black
    12. The Black Prince by Iris Murdoch, James Tait Black
    13. Laughing Boy by Oliver Lafarge, Pulitzer Prize
    14. The Aerodrome by Rex Warner, Burgess Top 99
    15. Indian Summer by William Dean Howells, Burgess Top 99
    16. The Fox in the Attic by Richard Hughes, Burgess Top 99
    17. The Cherry Orchard by Anton Chekhov, The College Board
    18. The Jungle Books by Rudyard Kipling, Easton Press Greatest
    19. Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw, Easton Press Greatest
    20. The Three Sisters by Anton Chekhov, Easton Press Greatest

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