Amis is a favorite of mine because his novel, Lucky Jim, taught me (and thousands of others) that literature can be funny. Because of Amis, I learned to read "good books" for pleasure, not just because I should. He was fortunate to live in a time when the publishing industry tolerated popular authors writing anything they wanted, as long as they turned out a new book on a regular basis. Along with the comic novels of which he was the master, he turned his hand to mystery, sci-fi, fantasy, alternate history, poetry, biography, and essays.
Here is a list of Kingsley Amis's books, from most recent to oldest, with notes about whether I've read the book or it is on my TBR shelf. Some I can't find links to because they are so out of print. You can bet I'd like to get my hands on those!
- 2001 The Letters of Kingsley Amis, Edited by Zachary Leader TBR SHELF
- 1997 The King's English: A Guide to Modern Usage FINISHED
- 1995 The Biographer's Moustache FINISHED
- 1994 You Can't Do Both TBR SHELF
- 1992 The Russian Girl TBR SHELF
- 1991 We Are All Guilty TBR SHELF
- 1991 Memoirs TBR SHELF
- 1990 The Amis Collection TBR SHELF
- 1990 The Folks That Live on the Hill FINISHED
- 1988 Difficulties With Girls FINISHED
- 1986 The Great British Songbook (songs; with James Cochrane)
- 1986 The Old Devils FINISHED
- 1984 Stanley and the Women TBR SHELF
- 1984 How's Your Glass? (reviewed here) FINISHED
- 1983 Every Day Drinking (reviewed here) FINISHED
- 1980 Dear Illusion: Collected Short Stories TBR SHELF
- 1980 Russian Hide-and-Seek TBR SHELF
- 1979 An Arts Policy (essay)
- 1979 Collected Poems 1944-78 FINISHED
- 1978 Jake's Thing FINISHED
- 1977 Harold's Years: Impressions of the Harold Wilson Era (nonfiction)
- 1976 The Alteration FINISHED
- 1975 The Crime of the Century FINISHED
- 1974 Rudyard Kipling and his World TBR SHELF
- 1974 Ending Up TBR SHELF
- 1973 The Riverside Villas Murders TBR SHELF
- 1971 Girl, 20 FINISHED
- 1969 The Green Man FINISHED
- 1968 Lucky Jim's Politics (essay)
- 1968 A Look Round the Estate: Poems, 1957-1967 FINISHED (in omnibus)
- 1968 I Want It Now TBR SHELF
- 1968 Colonel Sun: A James Bond Adventure (as Robert Markham)
- 1966 The Anti-Death League (Burgess favorite) FINISHED
- 1965 The Book of Bond, or Every Man His Own 007 (as Lt. Col. William "Bill" Tanner)
- 1965 The Egyptologists (with Robert Conquest) FINISHED
- 1963 One Fat Englishman (reviewed here) FINISHED
- 1962 The Evans County (poems) FINISHED (in omnibus)
- 1962 My Enemy's Enemy (short stories) TBR SHELF
- 1960 Take A Girl Like You TBR SHELF
- 1958 I Like it Here TBR SHELF
- 1957 Socialism and the Intellectuals (a Fabian Society pamphlet)
- 1956 A Case of Samples: Poems 1946-1956 FINISHED (in omnibus)
- 1955 That Uncertain Feeling TBR SHELF
- 1954 Lucky Jim FINISHED (twice)
- 1954 Fantasy Portraits (poems) FINISHED (in omnibus)
- 1953 A Frame of Mind (poems) FINISHED (in omnibus)
- 1947 Bright November (poems) FINISHED (in omnibus)
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