Friday, July 24, 2020

The Likeness by Tana French on Book Beginnings


I am late posting this week! So sorry!

My sister is moving and I was helping her the last couple of days. I lost track of the days of the week. Good grief! Things are a little crazy here in Portland. My sister is fed up with living downtown and is moving to the suburbs, for a lot of reasons. She will miss her beautiful apartment in an old building, but I understand her decision completely.

Here is the link to post your Book Beginnings. I will come back after a work meeting and post my own.


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Some nights, if I'm sleeping on my own, I still dream about Whitethorn House.

-- The Likeness by Tana French.The Likeness is the second book in French’s Dublin Murder Squad series after In The Woods. Detective Cassie Maddox is the star of this one.

Any other Tana French fans? What did you think of The Likeness?

I confess I gave up on Hilary Mantel’s The Mirror and the Light and switched to this one. I was looking forward to it, but it just wasn’t keeping my attention like the first two did. And the audiobook is 38 hours long! After two days, I was only 9% of the way through. Maybe someday. But not now.

I’m a completist and rarely give up on a book, especially the third in a trilogy. In fact I probably can count on one hand the books I’ve abandoned. One of my goals is to be better about giving up on books that I don’t enjoy and not be bothered by that feeling of leaving something unfinished.

Is there a name for the need to scratch things off lists? If there is, I have it. Who else? Is there a cure?


Over at Freda's Voice, Freda hosts The Friday 56 where participants share a teaser from page 56 of the book they are reading or featuring. Visit Freda's Voice for details or to link your post.


The squad room holds 20, but it was Sunday-evening empty: computers off, desks scattered with paperwork and fast-food wrappers -- the cleaners don't come in till Monday morning. In the back corner by the window, the desks where Rob and I used to sit were still at right angles, the way we liked them, so we could be shoulder to shoulder.


  1. Hope your sister has a safe move! Moves are always stressful, but the suburbs are a really nice place to be if you're sick of city life. Hope she enjoys the new place!

  2. I hope all is well with your sister. Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks Yvonne! She will be much better when her move is finished next week and she is settled in. :) Enjoy your weekend too!

  3. I'm curious for more from this one. Happy weekend!

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  5. Hi Gilion,

    We have been hearing over here about the nightly troubles you guys have been enduring in Portland and hope that you are all managing to stay safe and peaceful.

    I am the worst person in the world for lists, in fact I have lists about lists. I just couldn't function without writing things down and the order in which they need to be done, read, ordered etc.

    I have a copy of the first book 'In The Woods' on my shelf and the only reason I can think of as to why I have never read it, is that it looks to be quite a chunkster, which has probably put me off. I see that Tana is now up to book #6 in the series, so it might be a little late for me to join the party. However I note that she has also written some stand alone stories, which I might try one day.

    Thanks for sharing and have a relaxing weekend :)


  6. Tana French is one of the authors that I've been meaning to read for a long time! I really liked this opening line, too! :)

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