Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Teaser Tuesday: The Grow by Lindsay R. Mohlere

The pot is growing in five plant groups surrounded by native bushes and undergrowth to mask the plants.  The group spacing makes it easier to walk between clusters of the seven-foot high, foot-foot wide plants.

-- The Grow by Lindsay R. Mohlere.

Mohlere has spun a great heist story about thieves stealing from thieves -- Mouse Morrison and his gang of ruffians trying to rip off a Mexican drug cartel with an illegal grow operation deep in an Oregon National Forest.

The Grow is a great summer read that seems all the more timely now that Oregon has legalized pot. Oregonians may be toking up on the up and up, but the black market is thriving in most of the rest of the country and makes for great fiction.

Teaser Tuesdays is hosted by Jenn at A Daily Rhythm, where you can find the official rules for this weekly event.