Thanks for joining me for Mailbox Monday! MM was created by Marcia, who graciously hosted it for a long, long time, before turning it into a touring event. Mailbox Monday has now returned to its permanent home where you can link to your MM post.
I got two books last week, and they kind of go together:
Naked in the Woods: My Unexpected Years in a Hippie Commune by Margaret Grundstein.
This looks like a remarkable memoir about a 1970s Utopian experiment in the Oregon woods that turned into something more like Lord of the Flies.
Naked in the Woods is available online from Powell’s, Amazon, or OSU Press. Or ask your local bookseller to order a copy!
PORTLAND FRIENDS: Margaret Grundstein will be reading from and signing Naked in the Woods at Powell’s Books on Hawthorne this Thursday, June 11, 2015, at 7:30 p.m., 3723 SE Hawthorne Blvd., Portland, OR 97214.
Building a Better Nest: Living Lightly at Home and in the World by Evelyn Searle Hess, author of To the Woods. It sounds like Searle Hess may have had a better -- at least less stressful -- experience with "off-grid living" than Grundstein, which is why it may be interesting to read these back to back.
Building a Better Nest is also available from Powell's, Amazon, OSU Press, or your local bookseller.