Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Teaser Tuesday: Portland Food Cart Stories

Many food carts do specials as a way of expressing creativity and avoiding becoming too bored with making the same thing day in and day out. The specials that Ryan and Jace come up with are not only cleverly named, but they are always delicious too.

--  Portland Food Cart Stories: Behind the Scenes with the City’s Culinary Entrepreneurs by Steven Shomler. Here, Shomler discusses the success of Fried Egg I'm in Love, a Portland food cart cleverly named after a 1992 Cure song, "Friday I'm in Love."

In Portland Food Cart Stories, you will find 40 food cart stories, about the owners of 30 food carts, organized into eight parts: author's introduction, Iconic Food Carts, people who moved to Portland to open food carts, breakfast food carts, food cart boosters, vegetarian food carts, ethnic food carts, and comfort food carts.

Shomler is the go-to guy when it comes to Portland's food cart scene. Whether you live here or are planning a visit, prep yourself with his book and go mobile with his social media: website, PortlandFoodCartAdventures.com; Facebook page, Portland Food Cart Adventures; and Twitter @GR8FoodCartsPDX. You can find his book at Powell's or on amazon.

Teaser Tuesdays is hosted by Jenn at A Daily Rhythm, where you can find the official rules for this weekly event.