Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Teaser Tuesday: Alice in Bed by Judith Hooper

From Italy, in his wretched, homesick state, William had written me the tenderest, most fraternal of letters of which I could recall whole passages by heart. Thou seemest to me so beautiful from her, so intelligent, etc.

-- Alice in Bed by Judith Hooper. This is a historical novel about Alice James, so the William referred to above is her philosopher brother, William James. Much of this story of Alice's life is told through letters between Alice, William, and her other brother, novelist Henry James, because the "present day" action takes place after Alice has taken to bed with a mysterious illness.

Alice in Bed is generating a lot of attention. If you are in the Bay Area this week, there are several author reading and book signing events coming up in Berkeley, Larkspur, and San Francisco. See here for details.

Teaser Tuesdays is hosted by Jenn at A Daily Rhythm, where you can find the official rules for this weekly event.