Thanks for joining me for Mailbox Monday! MM was created by Marcia, who graciously hosted it for a long, long time, before turning it into a touring event. Mailbox Monday has now returned to its permanent home where you can link to your MM post.
I got a crazy mix of books last week:
Little Book of Self-Care by Della Rae. Della is a radio host, lecturer, and author who believes that we must take the very best care of ourselves all of the time and everywhere we go. Her Little Book of Self-Care offers refreshingly honest advice and personal insight help achieve a healthy self.
Heist and High by Anthony Curcio and Dane Batty. This is the author's true story of how he went from being a high school football star to a prescription drug addict who robbed an armored truck and almost got away with over $400,000.
Ten Lords A-Leaping by C. C. Benison. This is the third book in his Father Tom Christmas series. I haven't read the first two, but this one looks terrific and I think I will be sucked into starting from the beginning.
Saving Justice: Watergate, the Saturday Night Massacre, and Other Adventures of a Solicitor General by Robert H. Bork. This is Bork's first-hand account of life inside the Nixon administration in the most intense months of the Watergate scandal.