Thanks for joining me for Mailbox Monday! MM was created by Marcia, who graciously hosted it for a long, long time, before turning it into a touring event (details here).
Audra at Unabridged Chick is hosting in February. Stop by her terrific blog for reviews, giveaways, interviews, and more.
I got two books last week, both ARCs, but coming soon and worth watching for:
Word Up! How to Write Powerful Sentences and Paragraphs (And Everything You Build from Them) by Marcia Riefer Johnston.
I am a grammar geek and love all kinds of "how to write well" books, from The Elements of Style to The Harvard Blue Book (that one dates me!) to Eats, Shoots and Leaves. I read them cover to cover, like novels. This one is particularly good -- livelier than most, but with plenty of substance.
You can buy Word Up! starting April 27, 2013—National Tell a Story Day. Print and e-book versions will be available from Powell’s, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble. Better yet, ask your local bookstore to carry it!
Dry Rot by S. L. Stoner, a "Sage Adair Historical Mystery" set in 1902 wild and wooly Portland, Oregon during a big labor strike. This is the third book in the series, but can stand alone.
You can pre-order a copy of Dry Rot from Epicenter Press. It is due out on June 1, 2013. Check back here in a couple of weeks when I host a giveaway for this new novel.