Thursday, September 13, 2012

Favorite Author: Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens may be the best-known novelist of all times.  Probably everyone has read at least one of his books or at the very least seen a screen adaptation.  He lived from 1812 to 1870 and published 20 novels, as well as short stories, a few plays, non-fiction books, and even some poetry.

I read several of Dickens' more famous novels by the time I finished college, but have been in the mood to read the rest and start re-reading ever since I got a lovely matching set a couple of years ago. 

Dickens' novels are listed below. Those I have read are in red (although I may like to re-read some of them); those on my TBR shelf are in blue.

The Pickwick Papers (1837)
Oliver Twist (1838)
Nicholas Nickleby (1839)
Barnaby Rudge (1841)
Master Humphrey's Clock (1841)
The Old Curiosity Shop (1841)
A Christmas Carol (1843)
The Chimes (1844)
Martin Chuzzlewit (1844)
The Cricket on the Hearth (1845)
The Battle of Life (1846)
Dombey and Son (1848)
The Haunted Man and the Ghost's Bargain (1848)
David Copperfield (1850)
Bleak House (1853)
Hard Times (1854)
Little Dorrit (1857)
A Tale of Two Cities (1859)
The Uncommercial Traveller (1860)
Great Expectations (1861)
Our Mutual Friend (1865)
The Mystery of Edwin Drood (1870)


Updated October 14, 2019.