Friday, February 17, 2012

Opening Sentence of the Day: Alfred Edelman: Urban Compositions

Alfred Edelman: Urban Compositions is the second in a series of books that feature the photographic work of Alfred Edelman.

-- from the Introduction to Alfred Edelman: Urban Compositions, photos by Alfred Edelman, essay by Kathleen Dean Moore, poetry by Paulann Petersen (Oregon's poet laureate), published by Pacific Northwest College of Arts.

To be honest, I'm tired of always worrying about what flies away -- time, truth, children, decades, all the decades.

-- from "The Properties of the Concrete Footing," the opening essay by Kathleen Dean Moore.

Edelman was a Portland-based architect, photographer, and founder of Hotlips Pizza (yummmmmmmmm). This beautiful books features Edelman's photographs of urban fragments, coupled with Peterson's poems.  It is lovely.

Urban Compositions is available at The Gallery at Museum of Contemporary Craft in Portland (or on line), Broadway Books, or directly from Jeana Edelman.

A Few More Pages hosts Book Beginnings every Friday.  The event is open for the entire week.