Saturday, August 25, 2012

2012 Challenge Completed! Battle of the Prizes, American Version

Having finished and reviewed my second National Book Award winner, I have now completed the 2012 Battle of the Prizes, American Version.

This challenge pits winners of the Pulitzer Prize for fiction against the winners of the National Book Award. Participants can read one Pulitzer winner, one National winner, and one double dipper, or read two of each.  The challenge runs through January 2013, so there is still time to sign up!

My Pulitzer choices:
My National choices:
I am still trying to decide whether to host again in 2013, but assuming I do, I already have a list of possible books from my TBR shelves:

Pulitzer possibilities include:
National possibilities include:

For details about the challenge or to sign up, please visit the challenge page, here, or click the page tab in the bar at the top of the blog. 


  1. I read Lonesome Dove about 6 months ago and it was fan-freakin-tastic! I highly recommend it!

  2. Kathy: Thanks!

    Carin: Everyone who reads Lonesome Dove loves it. I keep meaning to read it, but every time I pick it up it looks so daunting! I must get to it soon.
