As of January 1, 2012, I am no longer keeping track of my Guilt List. I have abolished my guilt!
I used to keep a list of books I received from publishers, publicists, authors, or others. It included only those books that I had not read, those still sitting on my shelf, giving me the book version of the old stink eye.
But now I have a new system. Unless I ask for a particular book and promise to review it, any book I receive that would qualify for my Guilt List gets three posts here on Rose City Reader: a Mailbox Monday post when I receive it, then an Opening Sentence post and a Teaser Tuesday post in the order in which the books arrived.
The big change is that after these three posts go up, the book goes onto my regular TBR shelf to be read if and when the fancy arises (which could take years) and probably won't get reviewed.
Last updated on January 7, 2012.