Saturday, May 28, 2011

Opening Sentence of the Day: The James Joyce Murder

James Joyce's Ulysses, as almost everybody knows by now, is a long book recounting life in Dublin on a single day: June 16, 1904.
 -- The James Joyce Murder by Amanda Cross.  This is the second in her series featuring English professor Kate Fansler. I haven't read the first one yet, so I am breaking with my usual rule of reading a series in order. I feel so wild.

I think I am really going to like this one. It was published in 1967, so satisfies my recent yearning for vintage mysteries (even if it is past the 1960 cut-off date for the Vintage Mystery Challenge), it has a literary theme (even if I have mixed feelings about Joyce after tackling Finnigans Wake), and it takes place in the Berkshires.