Thanks for joining me for Mailbox Monday! MM was created by Marcia at A girl and her books (fka The Printed Page), who graciously hosted it for a long, long time, before turning it into a touring meme (details here).
Passages to the Past is hosting in April. Please visit Amy's entertaining and comprehensive blog devoted to historical fiction.
I got some great books last week:
The Thunder Tree: Lessons From an Urban Wildland by Robert Michael Pyle (from OSU Press)
The Private Patient by P. D. James (a very nice hardback I found at a book sale at the history museum in Shelton, WA)
Principle-Centered Leadership by Stephen R. Covey (author of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People)
Rebus: The Lost Years by Ian Rankin (a three-novel omnibus that includes Let It Bleed, Black & Blue, and The Hanging Garden). I'm on a Rebus tear now that I finished listening (out of order) to Strip Jack and went back and read the first one, Knots and Crosses.
What books came into your house last week?