Monday, October 24, 2011

Mailbox Monday

Thanks for joining me for Mailbox Monday! MM was created by Marcia at A girl and her books (fka The Printed Page), who graciously hosted it for a long, long time, before turning it into a touring meme (details here).

Serena at Savvy Verse & Wit is hosting in October.  Please go by and visit her wonderful blog.
I got two books last week:

Little Felted Animals: Create 16 Irresistible Creatures with Simple Needle-Felting Techniques by Marie-Noelle Horvath.  I bought this at Powell's the other day because the animals are adorable and I am sure I can find time for a new craft hobby. I'm sure I can.

Lift by Kelly Corrigan.  This was in the swag bag at the Women in Insurance and Financial Services (W.I.F.S.) conference I went to.  Corrigan wrote the extremely popular book, The Middle Place and was one of the keynote speakers at the conference. 


  1. The felted animals book looks cute! Have fun learning a new craft!

  2. Let us know if you try a project from the felt book!!

  3. The felting book is cute! I wonder how hard it is to make the animals. You'll have to do a review if you try it.

  4. The felted animals book is adorable. Maybe a Christmas gift for my daughter? Hmm...

  5. I want to see some of those felted animals after you've made them! Enjoy!
