Thursday, September 1, 2011

New Cutest Thing: Little Free Library

Move over Poetry Posts, make room for Little Free Libraries!


The Mission

To promote literacy and the love of reading by building free book exchanges worldwide.

To build a sense of community as we share skills, creativity and wisdom across generations.

To build more than 2,510 libraries around the world--more than Andrew Carnegie!

See Other Little Free Library Designs Here

Tempting, oh so tempting.


  1. I love it. These would be a perfect way to make easily-accessible bookcrossing zones!

  2. The Little Free library is just adorable.

  3. neeuqfonafamai: I thought the same thing about bookcrossing! Especially good for rainy places like Portland, where I am.

    Tea: It is adorable, isn't it?

    Chelseroo: I think so too!

  4. That is adorable--nice idea.

  5. RCR, what's bookcrossing? (Interested to know how to integrate LFLs into new environments).

  6. JaneGS: I hope the idea catches on -- I love it!

    mulligansoup: Bookcrossing is a book sharing thingy that's like a cross between pay-it-forward and that not very popular "Where's George?" dollar bill tracer. The idea is to give away your books when you finish them, but participants put a sticker in the book with a unique identifying number in it and log into the Bookcrossing website ( to say where they left the book. The person who finds it logs in and claims the book. That is the part of it that I tried. There are other ways people use it -- by having bookcrossing gatherings to exchange books, etc.

    More info at:

  7. Just stopping by.
