Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Teaser Tuesday: The Losing Role

"Espinoza and a crowd of prisoners were waiting for Max, Zoock, Felix, and Braun in front of Barrack 13.  On the front steps were a bundle of baseball bats, a bucket of balls, and a duffel bag."

-- The Losing Role by Steve Anderson.  
Uh-oh.  Will the Germans pass a baseball test? This is a WWII espionage story from the German point of view -- an intriguing idea.
I am halfway through and enjoying this very much. English-speaking Germans are recruited for a secret mission behind American lines. It's exciting and funny and very interesting. 
Anderson has a great ear for the dialog, subtly distinguishing between Germans with varying levels of fluency in English -- from those who have mastered American slang, to the hero who is fluent but too formal, to those who get it all wrong. 
See my interview of the author here
Teaser Tuesdays is hosted by Should Be Reading, where you can find the official rules for this weekly event.



  1. I love historical novels. I'm going to have to look for this one. Sounds great.

    Here is mine:

  2. That's a great teaser! Not at all what I was expecting. Glad you're enjoying this book!

  3. I really enjoyed this book as well (my thoughts: http://manoflabook.com/wp/?p=1095). The author says that he's planning a series which I'm looking forward to.

  4. Gia: It's a good one! Thanks for leaving your link.

    Lady Q: The book turns a lot of expectations upside down -- that's what I like about it.

    Kathy: Lots of teasers! Thanks for leaving the links.

    Man of la Book: I'll come over and read your post. And I'll link to it when I post my review. Thanks for sharing it.

  5. Great teaser! Thanks for sharing sounds very intriguing :)

    My teaser can be found at Pineapples & Pyjamas

  6. mlisame: Thanks for visiting and leaving your teaser.

  7. Love this teaser. I really enjoy books about Germans in America during World War 2, since that's when my grandma came to the US!

    My TT this week is from The Fires of Heaven
