Monday, April 4, 2011

Mailbox Monday

Thanks for joining me for Mailbox Monday! MM was created by Marcia at A girl and her books (fka The Printed Page), who graciously hosted it for a long, long time, before turning it into a touring meme (details here).

Passages to the Past is hosting in April. Please visit Amy's entertaining and comprehensive blog devoted to historical fiction.

I got two books last week both from Second Hand Prose, one of my favorite library book stores:

Chasing Cezanne by Peter Mayle.  This one is on my French Connections list. I thought I already had it, maybe even read it, but apparently not.

In Their Wisdom by C. P. Snow. I started his Strangers and Brothers series (first book reviewed here), so thought I'd try this one which is not part of the series.


  1. Ooh, the Chasing Cezanne looks very good -- I hadn't realized Peter Mayle wrote fiction!

  2. Peter Mayle's work is always entertaining, so I know you'll enjoy that.

  3. Audra: I read one of his fiction books several years ago and liked it. I am looking forward to this one.

    Kathy: I agree. I am in the mood for his books. Maybe because spring hasn't sprung yet here in Portland so reading about sunny Provence sounds wonderful.

  4. Peter Mayle makes me want to jump on a plane somewhere! enjoy the books.

  5. How fun - both of those are new-to-me books/authors. :) Happy reading.

    Here's my Mailbox! ~ Wendi

  6. I need to look for the Peter Mayle book. Enjoy!

  7. Enjoy your books.

    Stopping by from the linky on Passages To The Past.

