"In a quiet street near Sule Pagoda, a woman smiles at me for no reason."
-- Burmese Lessons: A True Love Story by Karen Connelly (from the LibraryThing Early Reviewers program -- I'm almost caught up on that list).
Connelly is a writer (travel, memoir, poetry, and fiction) who, while living in Thailand, went to Burma to gather information for articles she planned to write about dissident authors and artists living in that military dictatorship.
That's as far as I have read so far, but the jacket says that she is going to fall in love with a rebel leader. This could get very interesting.
This one has Book Club written all over it. I only wish it was my turn to pick the book.
Book Beginnings on Fridays is a Friday fun "opening sentence" event hosted by Becky at Page Turners. Post the opening sentence of the book(s) you started this week and see what other books people have going.