I fell into a blogging black hole the past few days, only getting back here in time for Mailbox Monday.
The problem was a garage sale. My sister is off on a madcap adventure to try to be a chef in Bavaria. So, wisely deciding she didn't want to pay for a storage unit while out of the country, she sold as much as she could part with of her accumulated stuff at my house this weekend.
I didn't appreciate what a LOT of work it is to have a garage sale! And I didn't realize what a dumb idea it was to invite people over for a going away dinner the night of the second day of that garage sale! We had our mom in my kitchen cooking up a storm while my sister and I sold off everything from her childhood Fisher-Price toys to her REI tent to an 1800s "dough bowl."
No time to blog. No time to read.
So, getting back into the swim of things and going back to pre-garage sale days:
Two books came into my house last week (not counting a box-worth of books I snatched out of the hands of garage sale customers, but I haven't had a second to process those).
California Girl by T. Jefferson Parker (which won the Edgar Award in 2005)
The Foreign Correspondent by Allen Furst (because I really enjoyed Kingdom of Shadows so want to read more of his books).