Fishes & Dishes is a collection of recipes and stories by sisters Kiyo and Tomi Marsh and friend Laura Cooper, with contributions from women like us -- women who have worked in commercial fishing in Alaska.
--From the Introduction to Fishes and Dishes: Seafood Recipes and Salty Stories from Alaska's Commercial Fisherwomen by Kiyo Marsh, Tomi Marsh, and Laura Cooper.
OK, that sentence is a little dry, and the switch from third to first person, while understandable, is awkward. But this has all the makings of a terrific book, so I'll cut them some slack.
There are plenty of other books that have been sitting on my Guilt List longer than this one has. But it is too tempting to pass up. I already know that I'll be getting it for my adventuresome friend Tracey for her birthday -- even though I think it may inspire her to buy a fishing boat and sail the seas.