Thursday, April 8, 2010

Opening Sentence of the Day: Leaving Brooklyn

"This is the story of an eye, and how it came into its own."

Leaving Brooklyn by Lynn Sharon Schwartz (nominated for the PEN/Faulkner; new introduction by Ursula Hegi; super cool Hawthorne Books & Literary Arts edition).

This novel has mesmerized me. I am generally not a fan of coming-of-age novels, not having much interest in teenagers since I stopped being one myself. But Audrey appeals to me. She has a "lazy eye" that is legally blind, but gives her a creative, imaginary way of seeing "behind" things, including ideas. Her eye is the center point for the story; it is also a metaphor, I think, for the inward gaze that perfectly captures the mind of a 15-year old girl.


Book Beginnings on Fridays is a Friday "opening sentence" event hosted by Becky at Page Turners.


  1. Hi, I love your blog and am also a follower. I have a couple of awards for you at:

  2. This book sounds great, I think its a wonderful first line

  3. Hi!
    Great first line. That would make me keep reading. Have a great day!

    Just Books

  4. The premise intrigues me, since my mother had a "lazy eye" (strabismus). Although she had surgery quite late in life, she never overcame the self-consciousness that it caused her up to that point. My son was also born with it, but due to medical advances had surgery in 3rd grade and it was a very simple procedure, as compared to what my mother went through. In his case, no one ever noticed -- it was so slight that the pediatrician never noticed. It was picked up by the opthalmologist when he was 3 years old.


  5. Chris and Jess -- Thanks for following and the awards!

    Becky -- Thanks for hosting Book Beginnings! I was a day early this week.

    Sherrie -- The first line got me going and I was quickly sucked in. Thanks for leaving your link.

    JHS -- Interesting about the surgery, because that possibility wasn't discussed in this book at all. I had heard the expression "lazy eye," but I didn't know much about it before I read this book.

  6. Wow! Totally captivating.

    Here's mine:

  7. This sounds intriguing. I look forward to reading your thoughts on it when you're finished.
