Thanks once again to the
terrific contest on Reading Local, I have a great list of books for Mailbox Monday.
Using my contest winnings from
Annie Bloom Books, I got:
Frank Lloyd Wright in New York: The Plaza Years 1954-1959 by Jane King Hession
Frank Lloyd Wright Interactive Portfolio by Margo Stipe

I chose
Wallace Books when I won a gift certificate from Reading Local for the Portland book store of my choice. What a treasure trove of a book store! I got:
The British Museum Is Falling Down (King Penguin) by David Lodge
Jake's Thing by Kingsley Amis
Ending Up by Kingsley Amis
The ABC of Canapes by Edna Beilenson
Heavy Weather: A Blandings Story by P.G. Wodehouse
The Lexicon: A Cornucopia of Wonderful Words for the Inquisitive Word Lover by William F. Buckley Jr.
To Begin Again: Stories and Memoirs, 1908-1929 by M.F.K. Fisher