Massacred for Gold by
R. Gregory Nokes arrived in my mailbox last week, so makes it onto my official
Mailbox Monday list.

I am looking forward to this one, even if I have already read
my "gold" book for the
Colorful Reading Challenge. This short history book is "the first authoritative account of the long-forgotten 1887 massacre of as many as 34 Chinese gold miners in Oregon's Hells Canyon, the deepest canyon in North America."
My list is deceptively short today, because I also got a couple dozen books last Friday when Rachelle from
Second Glance Books had a "clear out the basement" sale. Wow! Mine was quite a haul, including six books from C.P. Snow's
Strangers and Brothers series that I want to get a start on one of these days. But between my mother's 70
th birthday, a two-year-old Bavarian staying in my house, and this dang job of mine, I do not have time to list them all.