Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Opening Sentence of the Day: Blue Planet in Green Shackles
"We are living in strange times."
-- from the author's Introduction, Blue Planet in Green Shackles by Václav Klaus.
"For quite some time, I have been speaking and writing about the environment in a rather unsystematic way."
--Chapter 1, Blue Planet.
Václav Klaus is the President of the Czech Republic, a former Prime Minister of the country, and an economist by training and profession. His perspective on climate issues is fascinating.
This is my "green" pick for the Colorful Reading Challenge.
Opening Sentence
Teaser Tuesday: Underworld
"Maybe they used to have jazz but stopped. The had a jazz policy that became a policy of no jazz, which is much the same thing if you examine it closely."
-- Underworld by Don DiLillo.
Huh? Just what does that mean? Most of this book is full of that kind of grandiose, meaningless, blather. It has a zillion characters, but almost no plot. It moves generally backwards in time, so what plot there is is a puzzle to put together as information about earlier events comes around later in the book. I find it needlessly confusing and pompous.
Another problem I have with this book is that it is, literally, full of sh*t. It is scatological enough to make it to my sh*t list. Not only do the characters think about the subject, they philosophize about it, saying things like, "All waste defers to sh*t. All waste aspires to the condition of sh*t."
I am definitely not cut out to be a DeLillo fan.
Teaser Tuesdays is hosted by Should Be Reading, where you can find the official rules for this weekly event.
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