- Posting just under 300 entries, including roughly 85 book reviews;
- Having Laura Grimes feature my blog in an Oregonian story about Henry James;
- Getting several reviews reprinted on The Internet Review of Books, including in October, December, January, and March;
- Inciting an on-line dust up with the Amish over my cook book review; and
- "Meeting" so many nice people with bookish blogs of their own, especially Rebecca at Rebecca Reads, Terri B. at Tip of the Iceberg, J.G. and C.S. at Hotch Pot Cafe, Lezlie at Books 'N Border Collies, Nicole at Linus's Blanket, BurmudaOnion, Sandra at Fresh Ink Books, Bob and the gang at Artscatter, and Book Psmith who were all kind enough to each leave over 10 comments on my blog during the past year.