Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Teaser Tuesday: Sarah's Key

His eyes were such a pale shade of blue they seemed transparent under thick pink lids. As the group of officers passed them by, the tall thin man reached out with an endless, gray-swathed arm, and tweaked Sarah's ear.
-- Sarah's Key by Tatiana de Rosnay Book Club is tomorrow. I have mixed feelings about this one. Like with any first novel, I admire the heck out of the author simply for getting the story written and published. I think it is worth reading, but it is a little clumsy. Teaser Tuesdays is hosted by Should Be Reading, where you can find the official rules for this weekly event.


  1. Wonder what Sarah will be up to. Nice tease. Here's My tease.

  2. The trouble with the whole teaser thing is that it tempts me to buy more books and then run out of money. Now I'm heading to Amazon to learn more about Sarah's Key.

    Here's my teaser: http://jockstewart.typepad.com/writers_notebook/2009/11/tuesday-teaser-notes-in-a-mirror.html


  3. I keep seeing this and consider it but glad you were honest, maybe next year it will make it to my TBR list.

    Here is mine.


  4. This came up as a possible selection at our last meeting. It didn't make the cut, but I'd be curious to hear what your group thought.

  5. I just read about this book on BookBrowse.com so it's strikes me as funny and fantastic that it's part of a Tuesday Teaser. This teaser is both pretty basic & very chilling and totally captivates me. Some first time novels are better than others, of course but I am always impressed by someone who was able to write and get a book published!

    Thank you for a great tuesday teaser!

  6. Oh no I have this one on my TBR pile. I can't wait for your review is to see what your final thoughts were!


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