Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Opening Sentence of the Day: A Century of November

"He judged men and he grew apples and it was a perilous autumn for both."

-- A Century of November by W. D. Wetherell

So begins Charles Marden's quest to understand his son's death, killed in battle in France in 1918.

This is a beautiful book. Heartbreaking, but beautiful.  They are making it into a movie, which should be very good because the book is full of images that will translate to the screen easily.


  1. I'm adding this one to my TBR list..

  2. Gavin -- it is a good one. Have a happy Thanksgiving.

  3. That's a quite lovely opening and an intriguing title as well... I suspect it's a bad sign when all that's needed to convince me to read a book is a one-sentence summary, but I'll admit that I have a particular interest in the early 20th century, so this does sound like it might be good.


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