Monday, September 21, 2009

Mailbox Monday

I am excited about my Mailbox Monday list this week. Even though none of these books actually came in the mail, they are three that I picked only because I want to read them. No obligation. No guilt. Paradise News by David Lodge (because I am on a David Lodge kick) Memoirs of the Ford Administration by John Updike (because I am always on an Updike kick) The Gathering by Anne Enright (because I do like to read the Booker Prize winners) .


  1. I have to admit, the cover on "Memories of the Ford Administration" is slightly creepy...

  2. The book about the Ford Administration looks interesting.

  3. These all look very interesting. I'm going to add The Gathering to my list.

  4. I've read the Gathering, beautiful writing style. Here's the link to my review in case your interested.

  5. Good finds. I'll be interested to see what you think of The Gathering :-)

  6. What an interesting mixture of books :) Nice and quilt free - the best way to be!!

    Here's my Mailbox! ~ Wendi

  7. I am looking forward to The Gathering, but the other two are really appealing to me right now. Although I agree with A.C. that the cover on the Updike book is creepy. I don't know who the other half of the face is. Maybe I will learn when I read it.
