Booking Through Thursday theme this week is "Preferences," with these instructions: "Which do you prefer? (Quick answers–we’ll do more detail at some later date)."
* Reading something frivolous? Or something serious?
Usually serious. I definitely appreciate humor, even in a "serious" book, but don't usually pick up anything I would describe as frivolous.
* Paperbacks? Or hardcovers?
I'm the opposite of many readers -- I read paperbacks at home, where I can protect the covers from bends and creases, and cart around a hardback (without the dust jacket) to read at the gym or whenever needed.
* Fiction? Or Nonfiction?
About two parts fiction to one part non.
* Poetry? Or Prose?
Definitely prose, although I recognize this is a deficiency in my reading.
* Biographies? Or Autobiographies?
Usually biographies.
* History? Or Historical Fiction?
* Series? Or Stand-alones?
* Classics? Or best-sellers?
* Lurid, fruity prose? Or straight-forward, basic prose?
The latter.
* Plots? Or Stream-of-Consciousness?
* Long books? Or Short?
Both -- variety, spice of life, etc.
* Illustrated? Or Non-illustrated?
Books have pictures?
* Borrowed? Or Owned?
Owned. I can't handle the responsibility.
* New? Or Used?
Usually used.
I have about the same non-fiction to fiction ratio and I am usually all about the serious books. I do break it up every now and again.